Samsung driving auto reply app

Samsung driving auto reply app

As we are living in the 21st century, a century of so-called technology. As we are growing up, life is getting busy and harder day by day if we are truly concerned about our future and family. In a working day of usually 8 to 10 hours, there are many things we have to do and finish. That is the reason everyone who is a real struggle, he doesn’t let the time go waste. He wants to utilize the every second he has while he is eating, showering, talking, or driving.

These are some kind of bad habits but there is very short time to complete many of tasks. Here, somehow technology is helping us to save our time for other things. There are a lot of examples but here we will talk about driving. I am sure all of you experience the driving or sit with the driver in a car. Often you have noticed the driver talk on the smartphone while driving, well it is dangerous and we all should avoid to take a call or reply a text during the driving because it can cause a major accident and there are a lot of people who are waiting for us on the destination.

In traffic app

Traffic Reply 

Here Samsung has tried to solve the issue by introducing an application which is able to reply automatically and the driver does not need to touch the phone. The app is called In-traffic Reply that will help you to auto-reply and will not let you distract. This application is specially designed for the drivers who are too much addicted to their smartphones. It will helpful for the car, bike even bicycle drivers. According to the Verge, this application will work with the help of GPS sensor.

It will automatically detect when you are in motion and when to reply to call or text while you are driving. The user will be able to create the custom message as well.  We do not know the fully feature yet of this App. Samsung has released just Beta version of this App and it is expected to come in Play store in the mid of the next month.